Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Incomes from conversion of use purposes of agricultural land areas allocated by the State to households and individuals for production. A's continuous business cessation is three March, April and May ; - Mr. Other insurance premiums are ineligible for deduction from taxable incomes. For individuals earning other taxable incomes 3. Incomes from copyright Incomes from copyright are those earned from assignment or licensing of objects of intellectual property rights under the Intellectual Property Law or from technology transfer under the Technology Transfer Law, specifically: For house and asset lease: thong tu so 84/2008/tt-btc

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Thông tư 62/2009/TT-BTC

For individuals earning incomes from business activities below referred to as business individuals 3. They have lawful land or water surface use or lease rights for production, and being directly engaged 8/2008/tt-btc agricultural or forest production, salt making or aquaculture. Payable personal income tax amounts for incomes from business activities and incomes from salaries or wages.

All investments carry risk - some more than others. Rewards accompanying various forms of commendation and reward, including orders and medals of all classes. Subsidies for working capacity reduction. Bases for determining the fares are labor contracts and air fare rates on air tickets from Vietnam to countries of which these employees are nationals or where their families reside, and back.

For individuals receiving dividends in the form of stocks or bonus stocks: To additionally guide Item 3. Incomes from won prizes Incomes from won prizes means sums of money or objects received by individuals in the following forms: In case of transfer of a jointly owned real estate, every co-owner of the real estate is a taxpayer. Rewards accompanying certificates of merits. Sums of money earned for participation in professional societies or associations, business associations, boards of directors or control boards of enterprises, project management units, management boards, corporate councils and other organizations.

Products of agricultural or forest production, salt making, aquaculture, fishing which are not yet processed into other products or are preliminarily processed are construed as follows: To add a new point 3. Basically, it is the chance of events not turning out as expected.

thong tu so 84/2008/tt-btc

Most of state enterprises will, subject to the state regulations, be listed after they have been tohng, but the interval between equitization and listing harbors factors are out of the control of fund management. Other monetary or non-monetary benefits other than salaries and wages enjoyable by employees and paid by employers to or on behalf of their employees, specifically: Select your investment mix to reflect your goals and objectives.

Unprocessed or preliminarily processed 884/2008/tt-btc and aquatic products include those which are sun-dried, heat-dried, cleaned, frozen, salted, sorted and packaged. All cases of receipt of deposit interests not from credit institutions established and operating under the Credit Institutions Law are not exempt from tax. Taxable incomes of individuals who earn taxable incomes from both business activities and salaries or wages will be the total of taxable incomes from business activities and taxable incomes from salaries or wages.

For fishing activities, certificates of lawful ownership or charter parties of ships or boats for fishing purposes are required and households and individuals must be directly engaged in fishing activities.

In case individuals pay by themselves these insurance premiums, the deduction levels shall be based on vouchers of insurers and insurance premium percentages under the guidance of the Labor, 84/2008/tt-btc Invalids and Social Affairs Ministry. Bases for determination of tax-exempt incomes from foreign exchange remittances include papers evidencing sums of money received from abroad and vouchers of payment by organizations which pay these sums of money on behalf of remitters if any.

The shorter your investment horizon e. Incomes from transfer of residential houses or rights to use residential land and assets attached to residential land of individuals in case the transferor has only one residential house or the sole right to use residential land in Vietnam. In case the payable tax amount in a tax year is smaller than the damage, to-be-reduced tax amount will be the payable tax amount. Insurance premiums for employees which employers are not obliged to purchase under law.

Individuals who transfer stock volumes received as dividends or bonus stocks shall make by themselves declarations according to a form provided together with this Circular, not printed herein and pay personal income tax thereon at district-level Tax Departments in localities where they hhong.

Circular No. 84//TT-BTC of September 30, , guiding the implementation of

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks tolerance rate, charges and expenses of the funds mentioned in the prospectus, fund charter before investing in funds managed by PHFM. Determine your investment horizon.

thong tu so 84/2008/tt-btc

For non-resident business individuals who have fixed places of business such as shops and goods stalls, the applicable tax period is that applicable to resident individuals earning incomes from business activities. For individuals who lease houses or assets before It is important to understand what the risks are. In addition, these activities and securities investment funds operations, have been amended in legal documents issued in

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