Wednesday, November 27, 2019


What a wonderful ride Ms Gibson has given me. He still slept around, he still made cutting remarks, he didn't take no for an answer unless he was the one saying it… there was absolutely no romance in this novel at all. This story was a really good one. Oct 01, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Delaney still hated Helen from childhood, and that still hadn't been sorted… I also found that too many elements were repeated but without impact.

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It was ironic as hell that she'd found the perfect place exactly where she'd left it. Books by Rachel Gibson.


Delaney naturally rebels when she hits years-old and leaves town after a brief encounter with local bad-boy, Nick. Delaney Shaw and Nick Bibson share a father. Nick is also named in the will.

This book sorely needed an epilogue just to tie up the loose strings. Trivia About Truly Madly Yours For more review by me check out my blog — http: And when the ladies at Tuesday night Bingo see Nick and Delaney loucamrnte after-hours whoopee through the window of a local beauty parlor, Delaney knows it's time to decide if Nick is truly, madly the man of her heart.

First off, the hero was a prick and he didn't develop at all throughout the novel. Maybe it was because I felt really related to both hero and heroine, or maybe it was because I just adored the plot.

Truly Madly Yours

See 1 question about Truly Madly Yours…. This was such a great second chance romance novel! You guys know that my favorite thing about books is how they make me feel and holy moly does this book bring on the FEELS!

Now, let me tell you about these guys. She is worth to try. There is usually more missing going on than hitting. It's an art I tell you, and Nick did it just right: Yes, I'm talking about the motorbike, too. Legal issues that an author doesn't bother to research first always hit my geek-button!

He was childish, sexually aggressive not in any sort loucamentr good way and darn mean. Yet, imo Rachel Gibson is still better than most of the new CR writers. I haven't read much Rachel Gibson.

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The only issue I had was the story dragged for me a bit in the second third of the book. She returns home with plans to attend the funeral, console her mother and then get the heck out of town. She held out a hand to hold him g. Well, there's a grand gesture at the end, of course, but it was weak and depended on Laney being the nice girl still. Stay away from me, Nick. There are twoish explicit sex scenes one is important and detailed enough to count, though it doesn't go "all the way".

Delaney was so bland that by the end of the week I won't remember her. Overall The book started great and it got better and better hibson each new page.

He was the laid back womanizer with an attitude of I-dont-give-a-fuck. This story was a really good one. That's the middle of my steam eua and yet another area where Nick has things way too much his own way. Books like this are the ones which make me realize that sometimes ratings will never really tell me how I will feel about a book after reading it.

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